Masats in the International Exhibitions

In September Masats will participate in important exhibitions in the transport sector: INNOTRANS in Berlin will take place from the 20th to the 23rd of September. There the Masats products for the railway sector will be exhibited, as the electric sliding doors. But especially important will be the world launch of the Platform Screen Doors PSD. The stand will be located in the Hall 3.1B Stand 405
IAA Hanover is held from the 22nd to the 29th of September. MASATS will present its range for buses and coaches, with a special attention to the new lift for coaches KV5.
During the same dates, from 19th to 21st September, he BUSCON Exhibition will be held in Indianapolis (United States). At booth No. 333 Masats will present the standard electric door for Sprinter minibuses.
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