Masats launches the new Inward Sliding door 029i

The new door is equipped with cutting-edge vehicle entrance technology for the best travel experience in addition to enhanced safety and availability.
The all-new Sliding/Swing Door 029i is a door that brings the gentle movement, speed and safety of sliding doors to inward opening doors.
It’s a highly reliable door which means greater vehicle availability. Movement is stable during opening and closing cycles even in unfavourable conditions such as on steep slopes in the direction of the road or sideways. Worth noting is the immense passenger safety with the inclusion of new central anti-entrapment and anti-drag airtight rubber seals that detect even the thinnest of objects. It also features a closed and blocked door signal for absolute safety. A mechanical block guarantees it cannot be accidentally opened once closed. This system also offers anti-vandal resistance, thereby increasing the vehicle availability.
The increased safety, vehicle availability and durability over 1.5 million cycles make the 029i an extremely reliable and safe product.
As far as the electronics, this door comes with the all-new next-generation Evolution electronics with a high level of self-diagnosis and ready for predictive maintenance. Masats continues applying the new technologies to vehicle entrances.
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