Corporate Social Responsibility

At Masats, we see corporate social responsibility as a way to help improve society through business.
We wish to enhance the quality of life of the people who work for Masats as well as for all of our partners and meet the needs of all those who use our products, whether customers or end users, without undermining our integrity or ethics in our business operations.
Our stakeholders include suppliers, subcontractors, customers, shareholders, partners, investors, public administrations and non-profit institutions.
Main Principles of the Code of Ethics
- Masats business operations are guided by the ethical principles of integrity, honesty and transparency.
- Everyone at the company undertakes to ensure compliance with applicable laws and internal company policies.
- All Masats professionals are required to avoid direct and indirect conflicts of interest among each other and with any of the Masats Group companies and stakeholders.
- All information, whether confidential or not, of a business or personal nature must be handled with the greatest of care.
- Company assets must be used and protected responsibly without compromising the interests of any Masats stakeholder.
- We guarantee equal opportunities and never discriminate against any employee or stakeholder due to race, age or gender.
Employee Safety
Masats shows its commitment to the safety of people in the workplace with the implementation of ISO 45001, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
With the implementation thereof, Masats is evaluating its performance in accordance with its internal workplace safety and health procedures, identifying hazards, preventing risks and promoting the necessary control measures at the workplace in order to reduce occupational accidents.
Masats Group Personnel Participation
Transparency and a commitment to fluid internal communication are cornerstones of the general company policy and the foundation for ensuring everyone’s participation within Masats Group.
In a view to ensuring a transparent relationship, in recent years we’ve set up a number of communication procedures and tools such as an annual meeting to share the company’s strategic plan and quarterly meetings with everybody at the company to communicate how the company is doing.
Social Action
In addition to working to make a positive impact on the people who work at Masats, customers and other stakeholders through corporate social responsibility plans, at Masats, we design social action plans to assist the non-profit organisations around us.
The most outstanding social actions include our collaboration with the Santa Clara Convention Foundation – Banc d'aliments, which supports people in need of essential resources.
Likewise, we collaborate with the AMPANS centre which is an institution dedicated to serving people with intellectual disabilities by assisting with their job insertion.
What’s more, every year we develop collaboration initiatives with community organisations to promote culture and local sports.
Internal Information System - Whistleblowing Channel
The Internal Information System is a whistleblowing channel that Masats makes available in order to facilitate the confidential reporting of irregularities that may involve a regulatory breach by people at Masats or its collaborators.
This channel is part of the Information System used to report breaches of our internal Code of Ethics and Conduct, our Suppliers Code of Conduct or any other applicable regulation.
The channel is available for everyone at Masats including shareholders, collaborators, suppliers, investors, former employees and job candidates.
Reports may be submitted using different resources:
- You may access the external platform
- You can also send an email to
- Or write to our postal address. Attn. Best Practices Committee
The external platform allows you to submit reports either anonymously or not, as you wish. Confidentiality is always guaranteed. If you do so anonymously, you must record the report number you’ll receive through the platform and then periodically enter the system to see if there is a response to your report as that’s the only way contact can be made with you.
Otherwise, you can choose to provide your details for the report which will enable faster and more direct communication with our Best Practices Committee.
Everything is always done in respect of the principles of confidentiality and prohibiting all acts of retaliation against the whistleblower. At the same time, we ensure the rights of anyone subject of a report and everyone else who may be affected.
You may read our Internal Information System Policy here