
The Masats commitment to sustainability begins with our own work as we promote public transport as a safe and sustainable mobility method.
This commitment is reflected in all of our business areas as we work to minimise the impact of our activities in all departments.
As part of our commitment to society, our professionals and the environment, each year Masats completes a comprehensive assessment of its corporate sustainability practices ESG through EcoVadis, the global standard for corporate sustainability ratings. The EcoVadis assessment includes 21 sustainability criteria divided into four main areas: environment, labor practices and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
In our latest rating, which was completed in October 2022, we earned a silver medal and a score of 61% , which places Masats in the top 25% globally.
Sustainable Growth
Our sector is constantly evolving due to the speed of new trends in sustainable mobility and autonomous vehicles.
At Masats, we believe the best way to ensure the sustainability of our business and the wellbeing and financial security of those in our value chain is to guarantee a path towards sustainable growth.
Environmental Respect
At Masats, we have developed an Environmental Managament System based on the standard ISO 14001 to monitor and minimise our environmental impact and meet all of our stakeholders’ demands and expectations.
We identify the activities and services that may have environmental repercussions, including:
- Air emissions
- Liquid spills
- Waste management
- The consumption of natural resources (water, energy, fuels and others)
- The consumption of raw materials
- System changes
- Other types of nuisances deriving from our activities (noise, odours, dust, acoustic vibrations, thermal energy, etc.).
Every year, we publish data on the environmental impact of our business as well as all of the actions we implement to minimise it and the results thereof through an Environmental Declaration.
Masats General Sustainability Goals
To prevent all chemical and liquid waste spillage.
To increase the percentage of returnable packing in our material provisions and when sending components to Spanish customers.
To continue containing our environmental costs.
To reduce the consumption of water, light and diesel oil in our equipment and door sections.
EMAS Environtmental Statement
In order to provide interested parties with environmental information about our organization, we publish the EMAS Environmental Statement, following our commitment to transparency with society in general and with our environment.
It is a summary of our activities and products, as well as an analysis of our impact on environmental aspects, where we define our objectives and goals to be achieved.
The declaration is validated annually by an environmental certification body.
The Environmental statement is available at the following link.